We have identified three large and underutilized sites immediately adjacent to thermal power plant in which we avoid sites that would likely result in adverse environmental impact, sites earmarked for future development and in country parks and sites where solar farm would have a material unfavorable impact on neighbors.

Site A: Black Point
Site B: Castle Peak
Site C: Penny's Bay

Site A: Black Point

Equivalent to powering >21,184 HK households annually
Neighboring Uses
T-PARK (Sewage Sludge Incineration Plant) to the north
WENT Landfill and Columbarium and Garden of Remembrance to the northeast
Tsing Shan Firing Range to the east
Black Point Power Station (BPPS) to the west
Village cluster in Lung Kwu Tan to the south
Site B: Castle Peak
Equivalent to powering >7,127 HK households annually
Neighboring Uses
To the immediate south, southwest and southeast are predominantly industrial, special uses and logistics
Castle Peak Power Station (CPPS) to the west
Tsing Shan Firing Range to the north
Lung Kwu Tan village residences to the northeast

Site C: Penny's Bay

Equivalent to powering >25,328 HK households annually
Neighboring Uses
To the south is Hong Kong Disneyland Resort/Hotel and further south is the Disneyland Theme Park
To the southwest is the Penny Bay Power Station (PBPS)
To the west is Inspiration Lake
* Meteo data is referred from Meteonorm 7.1 and simulation based on PVSYST V6.71
** Conversion rate of CLP Power Hong Kong Carbon Intensity of Electricity Sold in 2016
Process to Date
Identified three potentially viable sites in the New Territories, none of which are located in country parks nor are earmarked for future development, yet offer significant benefit for solar generation.
Undertook a feasibility study exploring the environmental, ecological, land and planning considerations for each of these sites. Based on the result, we have determined preferred land boundaries for each project and selected one for moving forward into the environmental permitting and land acquisition phase, which is Site A: Black Point.
Site A: Black Point offers only slightly less solar energy generation than Site C but is not covered by any planning statutory and so no planning application would be required, while other sites are subject to planning statutory.
Because of more straightforward permitting and thereby faster project execution, Site A: Black Point is preferred as the first of the three sites for solar farm development.
Project Profile for Site A: Black Point has been drafted and ready for submission to government departments.